Trusted by over 200 Introducers and thousands of businesses.
Switching Invoice Finance Providers
Unlock the true potential of your business.
Cashflow is one of the most important aspects of any business. Getting it badly wrong can be disastrous and it can often bring a seemingly successful business to its knees.
It can take just 14 days to switch from your existing invoice factoring provider to us.
Most business owners know that invoice factoring is a perfectly sensible solution to the age-old problem of cashflow. It keeps income moving and allows everyone else to get on with what they do best.
However, not all invoice factoring deals are the same. Some are often expensive and sometimes they don’t even achieve the one thing that they’re designed to do…get cash moving quickly in the right direction.
If you feel that you’re not getting the best possible deal from your invoice factoring provider, then maybe now’s the time to switch. At Central Business Finance we can look at sourcing you an invoice finance deal which suits your business whether that be increased advance rates and better concentration limits, bad debt protection, improved cash management systems and overall better service.

Why Introducers choose us to help raise business finance for their clients.
Shopping around for a better deal makes complete sense. We do it for energy suppliers, broadband providers and even for banking services, so why wouldn’t we do it for invoice factoring? At Central Business Finance we take time to understand your business, review the market and provide clients with options that could save your business time and money.
We operate in partnership with Skipton Finance, who are generally regarded as one of the best known and well-established factoring companies in the UK today.
Based in the West Midlands, Central Business Finance is a well-respected business finance company. We offer an array of finance solutions to fit your business from longer term business development loans right through to flexible short-term arrangements to spread the cost of HMRC Self Assessment liabilities or VAT.
On average it takes just 14 days to switch from your existing invoice factoring provider to us. So, if now’s the time for your business to start thinking about who your invoice factoring provider is, then pick up the phone and talk to us at Central Business Finance.
Not all invoice factoring deals are the same but ours are some of the very best.